Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
So after a long wait I finally decided to give
something back to the greatest forum and the Best
PPD website
First of all not wasting much time on my introduction
and other stuff. Let me tell you some reasons about
why to join Cleanfiles or to prefer Cleanfiles over any
other Pay per Download network.
Salient Features:
1) Highest paying per download network.
2) Weekly payments along with well known payment
processors like PayPal, ACH and Checks :).
3) Minimum threshold is just $50.
4) Wonderful website design and easy to use user
5) Wonderful support for your queries. They have a
forum too which is managed by professional
Moderators those are members as well.
6) Last but not the least an Awesome Administrator
who manages and owns this network.
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
The guide is all about how to monetize or use
world’s leading social media network
I request all you guys to please read full guide and do
not be lazy looking at the number of pages in it. I’ll
make sure you really learn some serious way to earn
Now getting back to my guide let’s see what is
covered in this guide.
Table of Contents:
1) The Power of Facebook.
2) Why Facebook.
3) What are the important things that are needed to
make money with Facebook.
4) How to Create those important things.
5) How to get traffic through Facebook.
6) How to monetize the crowd that is owned by you
on Facebook.
7) What to promote on Facebook [Most Important].
8) What to do if you have no idea how to get traffic to
9) Is Facebook better than YouTube??
10) Thanking Community and all readers [Please read
this and do not ignore]
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
So let’s start off with each of the points in
the given order
1) The Power of Facebook:
Facebook is #1 Social networking website in the
world, The global leaders in social network have
dominated the world by many extraordinary features
that they have on their network . It now has more than
a Billion members making in Largest in History of any
social networking website. Its freakishly addictive and
so whatever you post I seen by a lot of people around
there. Many big advertisers have already realised it
and hence they along with small businesses use
Facebook ads for their business and to show their
2) Why Facebook???:
Being the largest social network facebook offers
various features to its members to make and get
friends together or get the like minded people
together. It allows user to create Groups, Pages
etc. Groups can be created and people(friends).
Can be added into it so that they can get
enables you to create Fan page and promote it to
get likes. Now when you have likes on the page
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
or members in the group you can promote
anything related to their interest and chat with
them. Make good relations because its gonna
help you later on.
3) What are the important things that are needed
to make money with Facebook.;
The most important thing you need is More and
More Fan Pages and Groups, The more likes and
members you have More it is beneficial and
better for you :). So simply, all you need is
Facebook pages and groups. You can buy those
or make those or do whatever to get those lol.
You will need more and more to make money :)
4) How to Create those important things.:
This is the most Difficult and Important task
while planning to make money with Facebook.
Now knowing that it has over BILLION members,
I can assure you that its not gonna be too hard
to get traffic on Facebook.
Here I’m talking about getting traffic to your
pages and groups, I mean getting likes and
members for the pages and groups. So if you
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
already know about it or if you own a big pages
or a group. You can opt to read this topic and
move on to next topic.
Getting back to traffic thing, I’m gonna first show
you how to make a Fan Page which can attract
users towards it. Always remember one thing.
Many people around think of just getting likes on
the page. But believe me guys there is nothing
more worst than having likes those we don’t
need at all. Only try to get likes those are really
interested in your page and your niche.
So for instance let’s take my niche is Gaming
5) How to get traffic through Facebook:
Now here are some ways to get likes to your
1) Find the other pages related to your page and
like them so that you can get their notifications.
Now when you have liked them. Their updates
will show up on your newsfeed. All you have to
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
do is when the post an update just take your
page code and copy paste it in their comments.
Now this is the most wonderful way to get
targeted likes because when people will see your
comment they will like your page because its of
same niche that they are already interested in .
Now I know what the next question of yours is.
Lol I saw it coming. How to get code or tag a
page in comments??? Isn’t that what you wanted
to ask??? Yes it is.
Well you can get your page code on the page
URL itself. For instance, this is the link of a
Facebook pages
So the code of this page is the numbers at the
end of the link i.e. “388193534594049”. Now this
is not a complete code. All you have to do is just
make this code appear like this
“@[388193534594049:]”. Just add “@” and then
“[:]” and then paste the code between them. So it
looks like this “@[YOUR PAGE CODE:]” hope
you get it .
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
2) The other way to get likes to your page is by
sharing your page with other pages of same
category. You can find many pages of your
interest and then message them asking for
sharing and when they share your page you
share them in exchange :)
There are many more ways like social media
exchange websites and more. But since this
guide is not about increasing likes on FB page
lol. I won’t discuss those here :)
So now you have likes. Just keep interacting
with those guys and post regular updates to
keep it active. Remember if you keep them happy
now. They will help you earn money later.
6) How to monetize the crowd that is owned by
you on Facebook.:
Well this is really easy stuff. Just post the links related
to your niche. I mean when you have a blog which
contains your Cleanfiles link. Post the URL of that
blog and make sure your blog looks real and
professional. Just post those links on all your
Facebook pages and groups related to that niche.
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
Remember one thing if you have pages with different
niche and groups. Please do not post any link other
than the one related to niche. If you think you might
get a download from other other page too or maybe
you would think that lets give it a try and post on
unrelated pages. Believe me you are not gonna get a
single conversion and you are gonna make those likes
go away of your pages. So always post related, Totally
related only. Now as you guys know nobody likes
links on the pages. So make sure you don’t spam the
page to DEATH. post the link like 2-3 times a day and
also post some really interesting stuff on the page
before posting the link so that people will think that
the link would be as interesting as the content on the
previous update was. Once again DO NOT SPAM your
page. Keep it updated daily post good things related
to page and only post the links 2-3 times no more.
7) What to promote on Facebook [Most
What to promote is the most important question and a
lot of people struggle with it!. Well I’ll make it easy for
you. The thing that you promote is called as “Niche”. I
know you guys know what its called but this is a very
hard thing to find out what to promote on Facebook.
Well you can almost promote anything YES! anything.
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
All you guys need to know is what the people actually
want on Facebook. Man! Believe me once you find
that one thing. You will see $$$$ Daily in your
Cleanfiles :). Okay I’ll tell you how to do this. Now this
is like telling my niche to you guys. Shit!, But its okay.
As I said I love cleanfiles and I will donate this guide
to it and its members. So here is what I figured out
while sitting ideal once.
The teenagers nowadays are going crazy about
various things. They can do anything for these
mentioned “Various things”. All you need to do is find
the craziest thing trending or maybe create one.
YEAH!!! you read it right. HELL!!! create one. Now to
do that is really easy. Here is what I did I made a blog
saying “Justin bieber & Selena Gomez Caught having
sex at the beach even after the breakup!”. Well there
you go I just created a craziest thing now. I know its
not true and its fake but make your blog so real
looking that people will believe you. That’s what i
exactly did!. I got some pics from google of JB doing
romance with Selena lol. Uploaded them to the blog.
Wrote some catchy title (C'mon think of one guys).
And stated that to download and watch full video
==========>>>>>CLICK HERE<<<<<===========
Now there was a Cleanfiles link behind that
“CLICK HERE”. Now I drove visitors to that blog. (I
have big pages and groups so it was easy for me). All
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
the teenagers were like OMG!!! lets watch it! They
shared it like hell!!!. In 2 hours I got like 2500+ views
on my blog.
So not going deep into it. I hope you understood what
you can promote and how :).
This is not just it, You can promote almost anything
as I said anything! So if you have a page related to
Say Gaming. Do not worry just post the related stuff
and links you will get conversions. Also if some
people are still wondering what did they get in the
download from my blog???? I knew you would be still
thinking that hahahaha XD. I just uploaded Justin
Bieber’s song and renamed it to Sextape or leaked
tape and upload that file on Cleanfiles. Lol to make it
look LEGIT!!!!!!. Just think of something really
creative and bang on!!!!!! Believe me you will ROCK
8) What to do if you have no idea how to get
traffic to monetize.:
Well this usually happen when you have no pages and
no groups. Sad :(. I know but do not worry guys!!!
If you do not have a page or a group or no way to post
links. There are still many ways that can get your files
OMG How is that??????????
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
Well this is the main and really important part of this
guide. Many people just write the guide and do not
show the really important things lol. If you know what
I mean. I saw many people on our forum asking
questions likes:
1) Is that all you do???? nothing else???
2) I did the same thing as given in guide but no
conversions. what should I do now?????
3) What is the catch in this method??? can OP please
tell us about the exact thing to do???
LOL!!! Seriously, I used to be one of them. But Believe
me no one in this world would tell you what they
exactly do. You need to figure it out yourself :). That’s
why its called a guide. all it does is to guide you not to
guarantee you the success.
BUT!!!!!!!! In This Guide I’ll assure you that there will
be no catch at all. YES!!! NO CATCH AT ALL!!!
Here are some ways to promote your links on
Facebook without having a single page or group.
Steps for this magical method
1) Just like as many bigger pages as you can.
Like more and more pages related to your file or
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
2) Now keep an eye on the updates they post.
whenever they post an update, comment on that
post with your link along with a catchy title. For
instance if your file is “Cracked version of Black
ops 2” then you title in the comment should be
like this “Download cracked version on Black
ops 2 for free here “Your Link””.
3) Try to comment as soon as possible, because
the higher you comment is the better it will be
seen and more users will see it . Always try to
comment first!
4) Now when there is no update from the pages,
Just visit those pages and post the link along
with the tagline to their wall.
5) Post such links on every pages you liked. but
make sure its related.
6) SPAM the hell outta those pages!!!. As those
are not your pages you can just spam their walls
with your links. The more you post the more
users will see it and more are the chances of
So this is it. Now you can also monetize your
files even if you don’t have pages by using the
above 6 steps.
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
9) Is Facebook better than YouTube???:
Well if you ask me this question, My answer is
HELL YEAH!!!, Guys you will find find too much
competition on YouTube (unless you have a very
very low searched niche or less unsaturated). On
the other hand Facebook is not like that, I mean
no need to rank or seo or anything. the more you
promote your links the more results you get. And
for YouTube you need to invest things in Likes,
Views and Comments. The social exchange
websites sometimes SUCKS!!!. So most people
prefer to buy those from suppliers of Fiverr. But
for Facebook??? No Investment at all!!!. there
are many more things to distinguish between
them but I think i’m done with the answering this
Choice is all your people
Choose Wisely Earn More.
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
10) Thanking Community and all readers:
So I think this is it. My Guide ends here. I still
can’t believe I wrote it all. Its my first guide ever
and I really don’t know if its good or not. But I
feel Proud and happy to give it back to my
Forum. I request you guys to please let me know
how you feel about this guide. I’m here to solve
all your queries related to anything in this guide.
Just post on the thread or PM me. Better if you
post on thread because if someone has same
problem, the issue gets solved for both of the
people. If anybody wants to join under my
referral just PM me for the link :). Also I think
there is no need to post any payment proofs or
other things, I hope you guys know it very well
that Cleanfiles Pays!!!.
I don’t know what to say more. Wanna give
special Thanks to Hellohellosharp (Cleanfiles
system admin), AmbushIV, Gatra, Costybarbu,
Money.exe (Moderators) for helping me and
other members on the forum. Without you guys
the network wouldn’t have been so efficient. and
also thanks to all my Cleanfiles fellow members.
Love you all!!! Cheers!!! Cleanfiles Rocks!!!
Making money with Facebook+PPD (Cleanfiles)
Written by: Rohit00033 (Member at Cleanfiles)
Happy earnings!!! All the best!!!
A small request to all the people using this guide and
other members of Cleanfiles, I have made it only for
my Fellow Cleanfiles Buddies. So do not sell or edit or
do anything of which you are not legally authorized to
do. I Have kept this file on mediafire so that I do not
want my Cleanfiles Buddies to suffer a survey to get
access to it!!!. So I hope the support from your side
too. Thanks
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